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Made in Canada
Allstar Dental Laboratories Ltd. is located in the beautiful city of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
We are conveniently located near Bus, Skytrain and Canada Line stations. We are also next door to the Olympic Village site where the 2010 Olympic Winter Games took place.
Our main Laboratory, Administration, Shipping and Reception are all located centrally in one building on East 7th Avenue between Quebec and Main street.

At Allstar Dental Laboratories, we pride ourselves in having a clean and brightly lit work area for our technicians and staff. We feel this is the key to the success of our products, service, and workmanship.
Allstar Dental is also fully equipped with the latest innovations and technologies to offer our clients the best products on the market today.

The smallest Denar D5A articulator in the world
This articulator was rendered by craftsmen at Allstar Dental Laboratories Ltd. in 1985. Some of the craftsmen involved in this work are still working at Allstar Dental Laboratories.
Actual size 1 3/8" in width, 1 3/4" in depth and 1 3/8" in height.
Individual teeth are as small as 1 mm in width.

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